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The B&G Report features newsy items relating to a wide variety of state and local government management topics, including state and local performance audit, state and local performance management, government budgeting, state and local human resource issues, and a variety of other public sector issues.

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“You can be the greatest”: New tools to recruit
Many state and local governments are trying to re-brand themselves. Here are two videos that show how governments, large and small, are...

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Why work for a government if you don’t trust it?
We’ve written a number of columns in Governing about the increasing effort being put into recruiting great new employees to the public...

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Professional licensing boards: “A wall of secrecy”
Last week, we highlighted the work of the Iowa ombudsman office, one of only five state ombuds offices with broad statewide jurisdiction....

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Contract headaches: The Long Beach Story
We’ve read multiple audits about the flaws in contract administration in cities, counties and states. The findings often have a similar...

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Lessons from Oregon’s property tax reform efforts
We sometimes see videos about state and local government topics that we think are particularly well done. This one comes from The...
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Fighting citizen frustration
We are always on the lookout for policies or practices that exist in only a handful of governments, but appear to work very well. A great...

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LEAN Management — The obstacles
The basic principles of Lean management, like many other process improvement efforts, involve the identification of problems and a team...

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Words of the States (ala States of the States)
This week, Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards became the last of the 50 governors to deliver a state of the state address for 2017. Over the...
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California’s unique brand of citizen involvement
There are a number of typical ways we get our information about local governments. We go to city council websites or talk to government...

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Utilities: The unkindest cut
We often spot recurring themes in audits – questionable data quality, inadequate prioritization, limited capacity and performance that...

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More tips on working with Gen Z
In our March 23rd Governing column, we wrote about Generation Z. That’s the age group that’s just now entering the workforce and making...

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A guide to past blog posts
We launched our website in January and are enjoying writing about a wide variety of government topics. But we don’t have a search...

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What journalists should know about covering government
There are lots of ways in which we differ from typical journalists. We research and write for a variety of non-journalistic...

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Financial reports: Missed deadlines
Since we constantly need to pay attention to deadlines ourselves, we’ve always been startled when governments appear to be oblivious to...
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