Envisio is the most widely used strategic planning and performance management solution for local government. Leaders from more than 150 cities, counties, and towns across North America use Envisio to execute plans and projects, measure and report on performance, align budget and strategy, and build trust and transparency in their administrations.
Our customers share a passion for performance excellence, data-driven governance, and transparency. We’re proud to support 11 What Works Cities certified or member cities and 7 recipients of the ICMA Certificate of Excellence for Performance Management.
Envisio created the Inspirational Women in Local Government series in 2021. The series was born following an analysis of the company’s customer base that showed that a majority of innovation and performance improvement work in local governments was being led by women.
For more information, visit www.envisio.com

The League of Women in Government was founded in 2105 and is the only national group representing women in local government. The League serves as the umbrella organization for state and regional groups that support local and statewide initiatives that advance women to local government leadership. The League’s objective is to move the needle forward on the number of women serving at the most senior and executive levels in ALL areas of local government.
The League of Women in Government’s mission is to support local and statewide organizations that advance women in local government senior executive leadership. Together, We Educate, Mentor & Encourage by:
Providing information and data to show public officials the value of gender balance & gender diversity in local government leadership;
Strengthening relationships between local government groups supporting women; and
Providing local government women leadership and professional development opportunities via grants and scholarships.
For more information, visit www.leagueofwomeningovernment.org

The Alliance for Innovation (AFI) is a nonprofit association of the most innovative and thought leading local governments. AFI was founded in 1979 as a spin off from Public Technology Inc.
Today, AFI remains the premier place for local government thought leaders to connect and collaborate. AFI’s mission is to Bring Strategic Foresight to the Public Sector While Inspiring Innovation and Collaboration. The mission is accomplished via three primary programs of membership services:
Anticipatory Leadership - we provide support and training to build anticipatory leaders and introduce the concept of foresight to organizations.
Future Readiness - with insights tailored to the public sector, we provide forward looking, actionable intelligence to help our members navigate an uncertain future.
Inspired Innovation - it can get lonely out on the cutting edge. AFI members can count on the support of their peers as they go about the complex work of creating innovative solutions.
For more information, visit www.governmentresource.com/innovation-future-readiness-resources/alliance-for-innovation