Not surprisingly, ballot measures are in abundant supply during presidential election years. This year is no exception with 153 measures on the ballot in 42 states. According to a new brief, “Ballot Measures in the Upcoming 2024 General Election” from the National Association of State Budget Officers (NASBO), that figure compares to the 28 ballot measures that appeared in 2023.
The ballot measures that have gotten the most attention in the press have been those that pertain to abortion, as observers believe that they may have an impact on the Presidential election. But that represents just a handful of measures and many more will have an effect on multiple state and local policy issues, including education and health care, housing, gambling, the legalization of marijuana, and whether resident and corporate taxes will rise or fall. In addition, there also are multiple state and local government management ramifications, with the NASBO brief zeroing in on state finance and budgeting.

Here are some examples of ballot measures with budget or finance impact that will appear on November 5 in selected categories:
In Colorado, Amendment G expands the property tax exemption on veterans, while Georgia Referendum A raises the personal property tax exemption from $7500 to $20,000.
In California, Proposition 5 changes the vote threshold to 55% from 66.67% for local special taxes and bond measures related to housing and public infrastructure.
Washington Initiative 2109 would repeal the capital gains excise tax “on long-term capital assets by individuals with capital gains over $250,000.”
Kentucky’s Constitutional Amendment 2 would give the green light to the General Assembly to allow state funding of education costs for K-12 students “not attending public schools.”
Health Care
California Proposition 35 “authorizes a tax on managed care organizations based on monthly enrollees” (set to expire in 2026). Revenues would go to Medi-Cal.
Missouri Amendment 2 legalizes sports betting while Amendment 5 allows gambling on licensed gambling boats on part of the Osage River, with revenue targeted to elementary school literacy programs.
Florida Amendment 3, North Dakota Initiated Measure 5 and South Dakota Initiated Measure 29 legalize recreational marijuana. In Nebraska, initiative 437 legalizes medical use.
The NASBO brief provides many more examples with some touching on budget administration, upcoming bond votes, wage increases and the ballot measure process itself. That state budget association promises to provide an update on results. For more about 2024 ballot measures, and insight into what’s happening in individual states (as well as local governments and territories), Ballotpedia provides a great deal of helpful detail here.
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