Annually, the Center for Accountability and Performance at the American Society for Public Administration gives out a series of awards to individuals and institutions that are making important contributions to the world of performance management.
The formal announcement of this year’s award winners was made last week, along with recipients of other ASPA Awards. They are:
The Harry Hatry Distinguished Performance Management Practice Award given to an individual whose outstanding teaching, education, training, and consultation in performance management has made a significant contribution to the practice of public administration: Robert Shea, Chief Executive Officer, GovNavigators.
The Joseph Wholey Distinguished Scholarship Award (Annual) for outstanding scholarship on performance in public and nonprofit organizations:
Jesper A. Hansen and Poul A. Nielsen for their article in Public Administration Review, “How Do Public Managers Learn from Performance Information? Experimental Evidence on Problem Focus, Innovative Search, and Change,” (Vol. 82, Issue 5, pp. 946-957)
The Joseph Wholey Lifetime Achievement Award (Triennial), which recognizes an individual who has demonstrated exemplary dedication to performance within public and nonprofit organizations over an extended and impactful period, advancing knowledge about the development, implementation, use or impact of organizational performance management: Marc Holzer, a Distinguished Research Professor at the Institute for Public Service at Suffolk University-Boston; Founding Dean of the School of Public Affairs and Administration at Rutgers University.
The CAP Organizational Leadership Award, presented to an organization to recognize outstanding applications of a systems approach to performance measurement that has resulted in a culture change, sustained improvements, and has demonstrated positive effects on government performance and accountability: Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.
The CAP Emerging Leaders Award of Excellence, which recognizes up to five early- to mid-career professionals in the field of performance management at the federal, state, or local levels. Dale Markey-Crimp, Assistant to the City Administrator, City of Issaquah; Trina Nkhazi Executive Director, Mayor’s Office of Innovation & Performance, Atlanta, Georgia; Jaqui Guzman, Deputy; Laura Kramer Director of Results Management for Minnesota and Elena Guevera, Management Analyst, Office of the City Administrative Officer at City of Los Angeles
(Note: Richard Greene, principal of Barrett and Greene Inc., has been chair of the Center for Accountability and Performance for the past five years.)

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