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The B&G Report features newsy items relating to a wide variety of state and local government management topics, including state and local performance audit, state and local performance management, government budgeting, state and local human resource issues, and a variety of other public sector issues.
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The state employee engagement problem
Here’s a fascinating bit of information we just learned from Bob Lavigna, the director of the Institute for Public Sector Employee...
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Water lost and found: Policy solutions
A couple of days ago, our “audit watch” blog post brought up the common problem of water loss — both actual water that leaks from pipes...
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Are all late financial reports accidental?
When a city, county or state releases its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report later than usual, the delay is usually for understandable...
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Lost water: Leaky pipes and leaky accounting systems
We’ve been seeing quite a lot of attention lately going to the topic of water loss – either from actual leaks in aging pipes or...
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The TEN BIG LIES of State and Local Government
Over the course of the years, we’ve repeatedly heard a series of mantras about the reality of state and local government. We’ve heard...
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Two more city benchmarking reports
A couple of days ago we posted some details of the city benchmarking report that San Francisco’s Controller’s office put out (through its...
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Quote of the Day
“In great cities, spaces as well as places are designed and built: walking, witnessing, being in public, are as much part of the design...
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Benchmarking data for 17 large cities
We have always been fans of benchmark reports. They put performance measures into context, allowing cities, counties or states to see how...
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Transportation stats: The good news and the bad
In early February, the U.S. Department of Transportation released its annual compilation of transportation stats, a document we always...
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Executive orders: Not just in the White House
We’ve wondered lately about whether the intense focus on Presidential executive orders, in both the current and previous administrations,...
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Eek! The mushrooming cost of water infrastructure
Massachusetts auditor Suzanne Bump has often spoken out about the problem of underfunded maintenance, which may conserve government...
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Why counties don’t get no respect
We clearly remember a comment made to us years ago by the budget director of Cuyahoga County in Ohio. We were talking about the general...
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Quote of the Day
“There are not enough jails, not enough police, not enough courts to enforce a law not supported by the people.” — Hubert H. Humphrey
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Picture this: You’ve gotten off the interstate highway, and are trying to get to your destination of choice. Your car runs into a big...
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Lagging Government Inspections: Are You Safe?
There’s been a great deal written about the legalization of marijuana in the states, much of it about potential tax revenues. But here’s...
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Auditors tackle police-community relations
We’ve recently seen a spate of local government audits that look at ways to stop negative police-community events before they happen. A...
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Succession Planning: The Challenges
A little while ago, we wrote a column for Governing magazine about succession planning. The thrust of our work was that only a small...
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“Just a citizen?” Arggggh.
We’ve got credentials coming out of our ears. And we don’t hesitate to use them in order to get through to officials in state and local...
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Evidence-based practices: How does your state stack up?
There’s been an explosion of public sector enthusiasm over evidence-based practices in the last five years. But actually understanding...
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