In May, Craig Maher, director of the College of Public Affairs and Community Service at the University of Nebraska – Omaha, wrote a guest column for this website announcing the creation of the Public Finance Journal by the Government Finance Officers Association. Its goal was to break down the “barriers to connecting professional research needs and academic research interests,” according to Maher.
In our experience, people generally crave placement in professional journals. as they provide an opportunity to have their work noticed and to advance their careers. The process of getting published in one of them can be arduous and require jumping through multiple hoops.

But the Public Finance Journal is breaking that mold with a gilt-edged sledgehammer as it’s offering $500 to help selected authors produce proposals for articles on four different questions. Subsequently, there will be prizes of up to $8,000 awarded for outstanding pieces.
According to a release: “Articles are required to be produced for publication for each $500 start-up funding to be published in a future edition of the Public Finance Journal. The selected researchers or research teams will be informed in writing, will complete the research as described in proposal, and submit the article for publication to the Public Finance Journal, and agree to all terms to have your article published.”
The four questions are all very broad in nature, and the journal is open to publishing multiple articles about each of them. They are:
What is the Cost of Compliance with GAAP Accounting and Reporting Standards?
What Does the Public Really Want to Know about Public Finance?
Do Financial Reports Impact Policy Making?
Is the 80-20 Rule Operative for Financial Analysts’ Use of Financial Reports?
Abstract proposals are due on January 22, 2024, and the anticipated publication date is September 22, 2024. For more details, click here.
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